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Building a better society starts with us, and it begins by bringing diverse voices to the decision-making table.

We’re committed to empowering dynamic, diverse professionals eager to sharpen their board skills and step confidently into board roles.

We’re excited to launch our 2025 cohort, starting early next year, designed to prepare aspiring, diverse board members for success.

Get ready to be the change!

Learn more


Apply to join our six-part course starting 2025.
Limited seats available.

Fill in the form to access course information and prices.

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We know that in order to have a growth mindset, companies need to develop new growth strategies. A core part of the growth is engaging diverse candidates both inside the company to strategically influence the company.

  • Improved decision-making

  • Access to a wider pool of talent

  • Better customer insight

  • Enhancement of investor relations

  • Stronger corporate reputation

  • Improved corporate governance


We know in order to create a more fair and equitable future, diverse perspectives are crucial in shaping the business for the better.

Boardiverse is committed to creating systemic organisational change by ensuring top-notch diverse professionals on a board and Executive level, and we’re here to support you every step of the way.


Boardiverse is a network for high-calibre, diverse professionals who want to contribute to the strategic direction of organisations on a Board level.

  • Building tech solutions (technical and non-technical)

  • Strategic advisory roles

  • Leadership acumen

  • Strong financial aptitude

  • Innovating within an industry

  • Global business exposure

  • New market entry



that globally, only two out of ten board members in private companies are women? Seven out of ten public companies only have men on the board.


  • In the 200 largest companies,  84.5 per cent of the managing directors and 87 per cent of the chairmen are men

  • In public companies, approx. 43 per cent of the board members are women and 9 per cent of the day-to-day managers are women

  • In limited companies, 20 per cent of the board members and 17 per cent of the day-to-day managers are women

  • Only 1 in 4 entrepreneurs are women

  • Less than 1.3 per cent of all investor capital in the world goes to companies with female entrepreneurs, and 1.1 per cent to companies with entrepreneurs belonging to ethnic minorities.



Tish Gilbert

Head | Nordic Corporate Communications & Sustainability

As of 2022, the Norwegian population consists of 49.9% females and 50.1% males. Females, for the most part, have strong buying power in Norway. That said, it makes sense that we also have strong decision-making power with more seats on Boards as well.


Michelle Chinnappen

CEO I U.Impact

No one could have predicted the last 3 years and the transformational impact this will have on businesses. On everything from transforming digital ecosystems and market evolvement, to how we interact individually and in teams. Laying the foundation for the next years has to be based on a diversity of mindsets to strengthen how businesses will meet the coming times of uncertainty!


Walaa Abuelmagd

Medical Advisor I MSD Norge

To remain relevant in an increasingly competitive world it is imperative that companies should include women of color in their business leadership. We should stop talking about them when taking decisions, rather including them when making decisions! Because if we continue to choose talents from the same pipeline we are deemed to familiar perspectives.


Melanie Brooks

Portfolio Manager & Board member I Fondsfinans

A diverse board in terms of knowledge, expertise and world view is an asset to companies as they are faced with an increasingly complex set of challenges and opportunities. Female and minority board members can contribute with a different perspective that can provide meaningful support to a company as it manoeuvres the evolving regulatory, technological and commercial landscape.


Karen Dolva

Co-founder & CEO I No Isolation

If you hate having meaningful discussions and hearing valuable opinions, you should avoid having women on your board. If you have any sense at all, you want your board to be as diverse as possible. Because #science.


Murshid M. Ali

Co-founder & CEO I Skyfri

Diversity in boards and leadership is essential because it provides a broader range of perspectives and a more dynamic approach to value creation. The board brings valuable networks, insights, and effective processes to the table. A strong and diverse board ensures that these elements are properly managed and accounted for.

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